Natural Plate Compensation Curves for Flexography

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June 3
11 a.m. ET
Stefano d’Andrea

Natural Plate Compensation Curves for Flexography

Natural Plate Compensation (NPC) curves are a new and simplified method designed to determine and apply plate compensation curves within any flexographic workflow. This method provides smooth transitions and equidistant tone values directly within the compensation curves by making best use of measurements according to ISO 20654:2017 – Graphic technology – Measurement and calculation of spot colour tone value, also known as SCTV.

Join Stefano as he demonstrates a new simplified method of calibration for flexographic printing plates based on SCTV.

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About Our Presenter

headshot Stefano d'Andrea

Stefano d’Andrea

Stefano d’Andrea is an industrial graphic expert. Since 1989 he has dedicated his entire professional career to flexography, from design and prepress, to plate making and printing. During his career in the flexographic industry, he has covered several roles, including technical support to sales, product management, business development, education and technical training. Since 2017 he has been dedicated exclusively to technical education in the flexographic process and consultancy as an independent professional.

Stefano manages the and websites and carries out teaching activities both independently, and in collaboration with Italian and foreign technical institutes. He actively contributes to the activity of Atif (Italian Flexo Technical Association) and FTA Europe. He is a member of TAGA Italy, registered expert at the ISO TC 130 working group through Atif and he is also a member of FTA US where he achieved his FIRST Implementation Specialist Certification.