FORUM & INFOFLEX 2024 Set to Spotlight Brand Owners

Consumer Product Companies, brand owners, print buyers, “the customer”—Whatever you call them, at FTA’s FORUM & INFOFLEX 2024, they will be on stage, in the audience, throughout the show floor and everywhere in-between.

INFOFLEX 2024 Already 75% Sold Out

INFOFLEX 2024 booths are already 75 percent sold out, as companies representing the entire package printing workflow look to seize the opportunity to network with hundreds of printer/converters and CPCs on the show floor of the first and most comprehensive North American exhibition of 2024.

Registration Opens for FTA’s FORUM & INFOFLEX 2024

Registration for FORUM & INFOFLEX 2024, FTA’s largest annual events attracting CPCs, printer/converters and all members of the flexographic industry from around the world, is now open, with early bird pricing through January 31, 2024.

Brad Pareso Named FTA President

The FTA Board of Directors and FFTA Board of Trustees are pleased to announce Brad Pareso as the Association’s new president.

FTA Announces CPC Awareness Campaign

FTA has announced its CPC Awareness Campaign, designed to educate consumer product companies and brand owners on the technical aspects of flexographic printing while increasing engagement with the Association and its membership through active participation at its in-person events.