Corrugated Industry Players Continue to Meet Customer Demand with Flexo & Litho, Even with Digital’s Steady Rise

[Editor’s Note: This article is republished from BoxScore Magazine, the official publication of AICC. It represents the second in a series designed to expand coverage of the corrugated marketplace via partnership between FTA and AICC and their respective magazines. Collaboration between the membership of both organizations is encouraged.] First there were live plays, then radio, … Continued

Corrugated Printers Offer Views from the Leading Edge

[Editor’s Note: This article is republished from BoxScore Magazine, the official publication of AICC. It represents the first in a series designed to expand coverage of the corrugated marketplace via partnership between FTA and AICC, and their respective magazines. Collaboration between the memberships of both organizations is encouraged.] Whether you call them “factories of the … Continued