BOHEMIA, NY—Flexographic Technical Association members continue to point to recruitment and retention, sales growth and cost control as top priorities for their business in 2025. Many utilize association resources in identifying solutions to those and additional needs.
That revelation and others comes from findings of FTA’s end-of-year Member Satisfaction Survey. It garnered some 225 responses. Poll results, issued Jan. 5, 2025, indicated that better than 90 percent were satisfied with their membership. Thirty-five percent described membership as an excellent value for the cost of dues and another 42 percent labeled it “good value.”
Flexo Magazine led the list of FTA properties utilized with 85.2 percent indicating they read the periodical. It was followed by participation at FORUM INFOFLEX at 71.4. percent. Fall Technical conference enjoyed at 57.1 percent participation rate and FIRST certification programs were utilized by 39 percent.
From a printer-only perspective, 88 percent reported that they read FLEXO regularly, 63 percent have participated in FORUM INFOFLEX, 45 percent had attended a Fall Conference, 44 percent held FIRSTcertification and 34 percent have entered the Excellence in Flexography Awards Competition.
Nearly 47 percent of survey respondents deemed themselves “management.” Twenty-three percent were printers, 39 percent manufacturers, 12 percent premedia service providers, 5.4 percent distributors and 1.8 percent brand owners.
Flexible packaging was the dominant application of interest at 49 percent. It was followed by labels at 16 percent.
Eighty percent of the audience was male and 85 percent were age 45 or older.
Professional association staff members were seen as easy to reach, courteous, knowledgeable and solutions oriented.
With excitement building toward FORUM INFOFLEX 2025, better than 60 percent said they appreciate the networking opportunities the event provides. Fifty-four percent believe the technical education content can’t be found anywhere else and 46 percent admitted to being attracted to the immersive and rewarding exhibit floor.
Asked how FTA can invest in the future betterment of the package printing and converting industry, 63 percent demanded access to the most current technology trends and industry practices. On-line job boards, customized training programs and an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven searchable technical content platform came in a distant second to fourth with 25 to 28 percent of those polled mentioning those preferences. Just three percentage points separated those choices.
Sixty-one percent of respondents reported they often approach FTA and utilize its resources in obtaining insight, guidance and assistance when important business issues arise. Eighty percent of those polled said they highly recommend FTA membership to peers.

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